What better way to name your child but after a God or a Titan? 


From Zeus to Apollo, these strong and magical names also have really pretty meanings. We are looking to ancient Greek for some serious inspiration for our little ones. 


Check out our pick of some of the most beautiful and unique names inspired by mythology. 



1. Astraea – Daughter of Zeus and Themis and the Greek goddess of justice.


2. Athena – The Greek goddess of war, courage, law and arts and crafts.


3. Calliope – Goddess Muse of epic poetry and believed to have been Homer’s muse.


4. Cassandra – The daughter of the King and Queen of Troy it was thought snakes licked her ears when she was a child so that so was able to hear the future.


5. Clio – The daughter of Zeus and Mnemosyne and the Greek muse of history.


6. Daphne – The daughter of the Greek river god and was known as a naiad – a female nymph.


7. Gaia – The Greek goddess of Earth, mother creator of the world and the universe.


8. Helen – The daughter of Zeus and Leda she was considered the most beautiful woman in the world.


9. Hera – Queen of the heavens and the goddess of marriage, and childbirth. She was married to Zeus.


10. Iris – The goddess of the sea and sky she was also the messenger of the gods.


11. Medea – Helped Jason and the Argonauts capture the Golden Fleece.


12. Minerva – The Roman goddess of wisdom.


13. Nyx – The goddess of night.


14. Penelope – The wife of Odysseus.


15. Phoebe – The daughter of Uranus and Gaia she was the original Titan in Greek mythology.


16. Selene – The goddess of the moon.




1. Achilles – A great hero in Homer with a weak heel.


2. Aether – The son of Nyx and the god of upper air and light.


3. Apollo – The son of Zeus and Leto and was God of a number of things including light, music and knowledge.


4. Atlas – A titan of astronomy and navigation.


5. Ajax – A Greek mythological hero who played a part in Homer’s lliad.


6. Ares – The son of Zeus and Hera he was the Greek god of war.


7. Caster – When he died his twin brother Pollus asked Zeus to let them stay together and they became the constellation Gemini.


8. Dionysius – The god of wine, party and festivals.


9. Hector – The son of King Priam and Queen Hecuba he was the greatest fighter for Troy in the Trojan War.


10. Jason – He was the leader of the Argonauts and was known as a great Greek hero.


11. Prometheus – He stole from the gods and gave to the humans.


12. Troy – The location of the Trojan War it is the most famous city in Greek mythology.


Hit us up with some more names that you like! We would love to hear your thoughts on them. 


