21 family traditions to start with your little ones

Do you ever look back at your childhood and wish you had more traditions with your family? You know, those special moments that you could look forward to like leaving milk and cookies out for Santa on Christmas Eve or carving pumpkins at Halloween.

We often relate traditions to seasonal events and extravagant holidays that only happen at expensive times of the year, but why not start your own family traditions that are meaningful to you and your little ones?

Being able to spend more dedicated time with your loved ones will not only help to strengthen your bond but will also create happy memories for them to look back at when they get older. Remember, it's often the little things than mean the most and will be special to look back on in years to come. 

If you’re stuck for ideas of simple traditions to incorporate into your family’s life, have a look at our list of ideas below.

Every week

At-home cinema night

Nature walks

Themed dinner ie. Taco Tuesdays, roast dinner on Sunday etc 

Group reading time

DIY crafts

Watch a sunset

Write a letter/ draw a picture about your week

Every month

At-home baking class

Trip to the cinema


Gaming night 

Talent show 

Solo day out with each child

Pyjama day

Every year 

Berry picking 

Camping in the back garden

Trip to the zoo

Make a scrapbook 

Celebrate ‘half-birthdays’

Recreate family photos 

Make a time capsule

