Bathing & Grooming
How to make sure your little star stays clean and well groomed!
Questions & Answers
How can I encourage my toddler to brush her teeth?
Avoid a battle by making tooth brushing a fun activity, not a chore.
How can haircuts be less problematic for a toddler?
Haircuts are scary for many children – it’s important to realise that forcing your child will only make that fear worse.
How can I get my child to wash his hands after using the toilet?
Many children forget or resist to wash their hands after using the potty
How do I clean my toddlers ears?
Cleaning your child's ears is very important, however there are safe and dangerous ways to go about it
Can bubble baths cause UTI's in children?
Although no studies have proven that bubble baths are a major cause of urinary tract infections, they can be a contributing factor
Baths are a battle with my toddler. What can I do?
How to help your child get over their fear of bathing
How can I childproof my bathroom?
The bathroom is one of the most dangerous rooms in the house for your child.