We asked our mums if they had done anything odd after little sleep, and the response was so huge we had great difficulty choosing the best ones. Enjoy!
1. Aine: “Thought I was burping my son only to find him sound asleep in cot and I was burping the pillow!”
2. Karen: “Hoovered my whole living room without even plugging the hoover in.”
3. Teresa, Donegal: “I was bottlefeeding my baby in his ear, and wondering why he was still screaming.”
4. Marsha: "Went into town wearing these last summer":
5. Davina: “Running around Tesco looking for my lost baby only to realise I'd left her at home. [This was] AFTER I told security someone must have snatched her.”
6. Sarah: “Not sure when it was but I put my phone in the fridge [and] only found it when I rang it and the fridge vibrated!”
7. Tara, Cork: "Puréed sweet potato for baby and then threw the blade of the blitzer in the bin! I've also put a vest in the bin with one hand while I put the nappy in the washing machine with the other. What a mess!"
8. Maria: “Was so tired one morning after my second was born that instead of picking up a tube of toothpaste I picked up a tube of Nivea and brushed my teeth with it!”
9. Victoria: “I ran out of my local Super Valu leaving shopping behind after [the checkout assistant] had put them through. She had asked me for my club card and when I couldn't find my keys with fob I realised I left [them] in the front door. Never ran so fast in my life...”
10. Carol, Cork: “Went out for a power walk and couldn't figure out why I wasn't walking fast, until I looked down and saw I still had my slippers on...”
11. Siobhan: “I spent ages running a hot bath for myself a few days after having my little boy. [I] was so looking forward to getting in and relaxing for a little while. When I was about to get in, I realised I'd been running the cold tap the whole time. I just gave up on the idea.”
12. And Naomi, who doesn't even need any words: