Your period is not the most pleasant gift Mother Nature ever bestowed upon you, and it is made even worse by some of those nasty and annoying side-effects that it brings with it. If you’re wondering why you’re out-of-sorts on a number of levels just before that time of the month, there could be an explanation.
Here are some of the more common side-effects of PMS.
1. Heightened sensitivity
Research has shown that pain receptors in your body are more active when you’re period is on its way, leaving you much more sensitive. This is probably best demonstrated by beauticians’ warnings against booking a waxing in the lead-up to your period.
2. Difficulty sleeping
As if it wasn’t difficult enough to get a good night’s sleep, the changes in levels of the hormones oestrogen and progesterone in the days before your period can result in many sleepless nights. While low levels of oestrogen can leave you feeling too hot, a dip in progesterone (which has sedating qualities) can leave you wide-eyed.
3. Vaginal irritation
Previous research has shown that you can be left with an itchy or burning sensation down below in the run-up to your period. While no specific reason for this has been determined as of yet, some medics believe hormonal changes during your time of the month can result in yeast overgrowth.
4. Irritability/ feeling down
Feeling suddenly upset or angry for no apparent reason could be all down to your period, too, with changes in the regulation of serotonin – the ‘happy’ hormone – causing you to feel out-of-sorts.
5. Low concentration
If, all of a sudden, it has become hard to concentrate on normal daily routines and tasks - and this is a monthly occurrence - this could be down to a change in the function of your neurotransmitters during the days before you start your period.