Born and bred in Melbourne, Australia, mum-of-one Kat decided to head to the UK for a six month working holiday, five years ago. Married and settled in the outskirts of London, the self-confessed lover of travel, shopping, party planning and singing, writes a blog that has it all.
From recipes to baby fashion and travel to her personal life, mums and even dads are sure to whatever it is they are looking for in Kat’s blog.
MummyPages caught up with Kat to have a chat about parenting and all things mummy-related, and this is what she said:
1. What is the most important thing you have learned since becoming a mum?
Time management. My baby girl's routine is mainly like clockwork - as long as I'm on time with meals, naps and milk she is a delight. If we're running off schedule, she's so far removed from my perfect little angel that I don't dare deviate from our happy little routine.
2. What's the most ridiculous/hilarious/unbelievable thing your child has done?
My daughter is only 11-months-old so I'm sure I'll have dozens of these up my sleeve when she starts talking. She does make me laugh every day though. One particularly funny thing is the way she interacts with her soft toys. She goes up to each one and waves hello to them when she wakes up and she also likes to kiss them - but sShe used to be scared of them! I had them all lined up on a shelf and she would freak out just by looking at them. It must have been all those beady eyes on her! Now they have grown on her and they are her best friends!
3. What's the weirdest thing you've said/done as a parent?
"I slept in until 8am yesterday." Me. The queen of sleep. The master of lie ins. The one who used to press snooze on her alarm for five times before actually getting up. I've surprised myself with how I now manage early mornings. While an 8am sleep in may not sound weird to most, if you knew me before I was a mummy, you would absolutely agree that for me it is.
4. Name one thing you do that helps keep you sane?
Every now and then I take some time out for myself. I'll take myself off to a spa day or spend a day with my girlfriends. I miss my baby girl every moment that I'm away from her and I can't wait to get back to her but, in a way, having some me-time resets and re-energises me. I'm an even better mummy for it when she's back in my arms again.
5. What is the best piece of advice you would give to other mums?
Trust your motherly instinct and don't feel as though you need to conform to what anyone else advises you. I'm very mindful that my baby girl will do things when she's ready, and she has. This includes stopping co-sleeping, going from breast to formula and eating solids. We did all of these things with a very easy transition when she was ready and had no tears. Had I forced it when I felt pressure from others to do so, I'm not sure that would have been the case. By all means, take advice. Some of it has been invaluable to me, but just go with your gut on whether you take it or leave it.
6. If you had to choose just one thing that you absolutely love about being a mum, what would it be?
Getting to spend every day with this little child I have created who I love with all my being. I never thought there could be a love quite like it. I truly love being able to see the world through her innocent eyes and watching her grow and develop. It's all happening so quickly!
Don't forget to check out Eat.Love.Live London and follow Kat on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.