A chalazion can be recognised as a small lump on the eyelid. It occurs when a small oil producing gland in the lid becomes blocked; the oil builds up in the lid which causes inflammation.
A chalazion can start out very small, about the size of a poppy seed and over the course of a few days can grow to the size of a pea. You may notice your child’s eye tearing a little but a chalazion is usually not painful, nor is it contagious.
Chalazions are often confused with styes, but a stye can be identified as it will be closer to the surface of the skin and will generally have discharge, swelling and redness. A sty is more painful than a chalazion though the eyelid can be a little tender with the presence of a chalazion.
A small chalazion won’t cause your child any issues with vision but a larger one can put pressure on the eyelid and cause the vision to be distorted.
You should visit your G.P. if you think your child has a chalazion.
Find out more about symptoms of chalazion