Blepharitis is a common inflammation of the eyelid, especially at the base of the upper and lower lashes that is sometimes associated with a bacterial eye infection. If your child has blepharitis, his eyelids may appear red, scaly, and irritated. It is also not uncommon for his eyelashes to fall out. The lid may itch or burn and you may notice your child is tearing up a lot.
Blepharitis can also lead to other eye conditions, such as a stye, a chalazion, or conjunctivitis. While blepharitis can cause discomfort but it doesn’t usually affect vision.
If you suspect your child has Blepharitis, you should take them to the doctor. Many times, a pediatric ophthalmologist must examine a child with blepharitis to make sure that there is not a more serious eye condition present. The doctor may prescribe antibiotics to avoid a secondary infection. If a secondary infection develops, the eyelashes may begin to fall out.
Learn more about symptoms of Blepharitis.