If your baby has been weaned from both breast and the bottle, then this Christmas why not share the Ultimate Feast that is Christmas dinner. While you won’t necessarily be serving up a plateful of ham and turkey with all the trimmings you can give them a little taster.


Remove their portion before adding salt

Before you add any salt to your food you need to remove your baby’s portion first. Your little one’s kidneys can only handle a miniscule amount of salt which is already present in the food so keep theirs free from any seasoning.


Purée the turkey in with the vegetables 

It is ok to give your little one turkey during weaning but just make sure it is in a size that they can handle. If your little one is already eating small food with their hands then you can give them turkey chunks to nibble on. However, if they are still at the soft purée stage, simply cut the meat up finely and pop it in the blender along with their vegetables.


Keep their routine the same 

If dinner is not scheduled on or near your little one's normal feeding routine you will have to feed them before the main meal. On a positive note, this will mean that when you are all sitting around the table you can give them a small amount of the Christmas dinner knowing that they are already fed. This can work to your benefit as you can enjoy your own dinner without your little one throwing their food all over you.


Purée the vegetables

Puréed vegetables are great for weaning babies and there are so many different varieties at Christmas. Pop whatever veggies you are cooking for your own dinner into the blender or mash with a fork and serve to your little one. There are bound to be plenty of leftovers as well so you can make small meals for your baby out of these and pop them in the freezer for during the week. 

