Here are six ways to fit in some much-needed quality time:
Date night
At least once a month, try to organise a date night or even a date day. This can be anything from going to the cinema, out for dinner or even for a walk. If you can’t get a babysitter, rent a DVD, order a Chinese and relax when the kids are in bed.
Do chores together
Hang the clothes out on the line together, sort the dry clothes between you or even wash the windows with each other. While it is certainly not the most romantic thing to do, not only will it make the job go a lot quicker, you will be able to have a catch up with your other half.
Enjoy breakfast together
Sit down in the morning and enjoy breakfast together. This a great way to let each other know what you plan on getting up to that day, and is also a lovely way to spend time as a family before you all go your separate ways.
Meet up for lunch
We admit this one is tricky, especially if either of you work pretty far away, but it is still a nice idea if you are lucky to be near one another at lunch time.
Ditch the phone
When all the kids are in bed put the phone away and relax with your other half. After you have said goodnight, don’t immediately take out your phone and check emails, instead sit down and watch a TV show together or read the paper. You don’t need to talk, just simply being in each other’s company is enough.
Go to the kids' matches together
In most households, it is usually one parent who goes to the kids' matches while the other stays at home. This weekend, both of you head along – you can cheer the children on together and get to spend some much-needed time with one another.