Being pregnant doesn’t mean that you are automatically ready to take on motherhood. In fact, unless you have done it before you really won’t know what to expect, so to help you out, here are five ways you can get ready for your new role.
Go to prenatal classes
The best way that you can prepare for your new role is to go to all your prenatal classes. Not only will they ensure you know what to expect but they are also a great way to meet new people who are going through the same thing as you.
Be organised
As soon as baby arrives, not only will you be incredibly busy but you will also be extremely tired and likely to forget things, so now is the time to get organised. Get used to marking dates in the calendar and even writing in things that aren’t going to happen for a few months - use it as your task centre if you like.
Share jobs
If you or your partner always does the majority of the housework, now is the time to share it out. With an extra person in the home both of you will be kept extremely busy and one person simply can't do it all. Write down a chore list so that things get done and no one ends up getting overwhelmed. This is also great to have as your child grows up so that they become used to the idea of chores and housework.
Talk about how you are going to parent
Talk to your other half about how you plan on parenting so that you are both on the same wavelength. Discuss things like how you want to feed them, if you will share a room or if your baby will have their own or if they’ll have a soother. Talking about this with your significant other will go a long way to not only prepare you for the arrival, but to prepare them also.
Talk to others
Make sure you talk to others who have already had children. Listening to them and learning from their experiences will help you be prepared and ready to tackle whatever comes at you.