1. Plant pots
What you’ll need:
Several toilet roll tubes
Handful of seeds
Large bucket or bowl
What to do:
Line the tubes in the bucket or bowl, depending on what you are using.
Fill each tube with soil.
Press one seed into each tube.
Water them slightly but don’t let the tubes get too soggy.
Now all you need to do is wait and see what grows. Transfer the flowers to the ground when they get too big for their pot.
2. Crazy shapes
What you’ll need:
4 toilet roll tubes
4 different colour paints
Paint brush
What to do:
Simply pour the paint onto four clean, flat plates. Each colour should have a toilet roll tube each.
Dip the tube into the paint and then press it onto the paper. By squeezing the tube softly or gently, you will get different shapes from it.
3. Bracelets
What you’ll need:
2 toilet roll tubes
Various paint colours
Paint brush
PVC glue
Mix of beads and jewels
What to do:
Cut the tubes in half. Paint each roll and leave to dry.
Use the glue to secure the beads and sparkles.
If it doesn’t fit over your child’s hand, cut a thin strip from one side of the bracelet so it opens slightly.
4. Aliens
What you’ll need:
4 toilet roll tubes
Various paint colours
4 pipe cleaners, for arms
What to do:
Cut a hole on either side of the tube big enough to fit a pipe cleaner through.
Paint each tube a different colour.
When it is dry, decorate it using the stickers.
Push one pipe cleaner through the hole so that it comes out the other side - these are the robot’s arms.
5. Flowers
What you'll need:
2 toilet roll tubes
Various colour paints
Paint brush
Tissue paper, various colours
2 sticks, you can get these from your garden
What to do:
Using the pencil, draw a belt around the middle of the tube about a cm in thickness.
Make several cuts up to the belt on either side for the petals.
Push back the petals on both sides and paint various colours.
When dry, push the tissue paper into the centre of the tube.
Paint the sticks green and secure to the flower with the glue to make a stem.